Tag: Theatre

  • Hypnotherapninny

    I’m really not one to speak about all this hypnotherapy hocus pocus and mind control stuff, but I can say that one’s mind can play tricks on one. Especially when one is, for various reasons, like lack of sleep, susceptible to being tricked by oneself. See, I’ve spent a good minute wondering why, on my…

  • Disney on Ice: Found Nemo

    The local version of Disney’s Finding Nemo on Ice didn’t go down well with the kids. Technorati Tags: Finding Nemo, Disney on Ice, Singapore

  • Patience, young Jedi

    I’m not blogging as often as I’d like to be, mostly because days have turned into nights and vice-versa because of work, which is quite fun in spite of the frequent brain-jams I’ve been getting for various reasons. One of the said brain-jamming moments is when I’m sitting here on my computer, trying to type…

  • Podcast: Trailer – Multiple Personalities Disorder

    Yes, this is ‘the other stuff’ I’ve been busy with the past month, helping write a stage show for Hossan Leong, who is Singapore’s funniest man, and I’m not saying that because he’s my best friend, but he’s really really funny, because he can make people laugh by repeating the same jokes I’ve told, and…

  • DSD: Parking Pontianak

    For your after-lunch entertainment. iTunes is playing an illegal copy of Crazy ‘Bout An Automobile (Every Woman I Know) from the album “Borderline” by Ry Cooder of which I have the original CD. Technorati Tags: dimsumdollies, Singapore, youtube