Tag: parkinsons

  • Dementia In The Family

    I think it must have been more than 15 years ago when my father began showing signs of Alzheimer’s Disease. We used to joke about how his two major symptoms then – forgetfulness and constipation – meant that he could never remember the last time he went to the toilet. Things only started getting awry…

  • The beginnings of Alzheimer’s and the loss of healing

    This morning I took my father to his quarterly cardiologist’s check-up, and while waiting our turn, I spoke to him about what I’d been up to at work – about so-and-so that was his client and now mine who called me asking a favour – and he had some difficulty remembering who I was talking…

  • Yahoo! Blog Post: Polling Day reflections

    I have never seen the likes of it — people actually caring enough about Singapore politics to talk about it non-stop. I swear if I took a cab today, the driver might just go, “Ok, sir, do you mind if I just take you to your destination and not talk about politics during your ride?”……

  • #joy

    Things that bring us happiness these days tend to revolve around Kai. His name in Japanese means “The World”, so he’s our world after all. We’re happy all of the time because we have Kai. Happiness tends to be an enveloping state of mind. But there are little moments that happen throughout that are just…

  • Reason to try to smile

    My father doesn’t smile very often these days. It takes an effort because Parkinson’s makes control of your muscles, including the facial ones, difficult, and the sufferer becomes withdrawn and unsocial because of his inability to interact in the ways we normally do. Conversation is also a strain because of the difficulty in controlling the…