Tag: National Service

  • “Bus 6, Packet 2, I.A. 1, 15F, SQ8932: Coming home”

    Rockhampton’s CBD I’m back, and in case some people still haven’t realised, mrbrown has been very kindly guest blogging here, which means that the number of visitors has actually gone up in my absence. I have a nice tan to show for 3 weeks of Queensland sun too, except that I still look like I’m…

  • mb: Miyagi bored in the field

    Miyagi bored in the field Originally uploaded by mr brown. Day 4 of 5, unhealthy graffiti own vehicle to cheer ourselves up. All these atas soldiers, cannot put some local food restaurant ah.

  • mb: Black-faced Miyagi

    Black-faced Miyagi Originally uploaded by mr brown. Miyagi has a mishap with the gas stove haha. Actually, stuff I think green and black are not really his colour. With his kind of complexion, I think a lighter shade of olive and CB-leaf green is better. Brings out the colour of his eyes.

  • mb: Metrosexual soldiers

    Metrosexual soldiers Originally uploaded by mr brown. Applying make-up before work. Singapore soldiers must not only fight good, but also look good. Good skincare is part of every serviceman’s responsibility. And having clean underwear too.

  • mb: Miyagi gets a beer

    Miyagi gets a beer Originally uploaded by mr brown. Corporal David Tan, ampoule prescription Bravo Combat Team Platoon Seven runner says hi to his darling, sale Renee (mintia.blogspot.com). Miyagi got a beer for this last night. I can totally see a market for this blog. Platform for reservist shout-outs to their loved ones. Payment in…