Tag: Hossan Leong Show

  • Hysterical Comedy

    The first reaction to any MDA action is usually anger – then after letting it sink in for a little bit, we thought it really funny. The production company thinks it’s a new category of advisory, this “satirical comedy” rating. And we’re scouring through the script to see what the hells I’ve written that has…

  • Kick-ass show coming up

    We open on Sep 23, which is smack just before the F1 weekend. We couldn’t get a mini F1 kart on the show, so we’re making do with a mini racing motorcycle for Hossan to ride on stage. And no, we’re not attempting to outdo Mediacorp’s President’s Scar Charity. It’s just over a week to…

  • About Hossan Leong Show’s “censorship”

    I was horrified at first when I heard that the MDA had issues with the script that was written for the Hossan Leong Show (Sep 23 – Oct 9), then indignant when I found out further that someone had taken offense and complained about the words, “Halal Vegetarian Babi Pongteh”, which was a dish to…