Tag: Grober
The concerts around the planet are in full swing right now, and the heavy loads on the Windows Live Spaces servers are taking its toll. It’s down at the moment, but you’ll still be able to view performances from all the concert cities on http://www.liveearth.org/ Doesn’t matter if you don’t know the difference between Snow…
Xiaxue will save the planet
“Eh, why you all wear green?” “It’s Earth-Fest” “I’m not wearing green!” “It’s ok. It wasn’t stated in the contract”. Xiaxue has taken over the blogging station and has started her shift at Earth-Fest. Her pledge is “I will use my air-con for 2 hours less a day”. And you know even though she forgot…
Live Earth
I’m blogging ‘live’ from One Fullerton for Earth-Fest, a local event that ties in with Live Earth, and I’ve just put up my first blog post for the event. Then I’m going to sit back a bit and tune in to the rest of the planet’s concerts. I hear from Joe Augustin’s computer (volume very…
Mari kita bomb dia!
It’s comforting to know that no matter how objectionable one finds one’s country’s senior statesmen’s statements, the neighbouring country’s senior statesmen always manage to trump ours. …(the) MIGs are given, are sold to us without any condition, if you feel like bombing Singapore, for example, the Russians are not going to object… …But this great…
Singapore rated in bottom 10 of world’s most courteous cities
Readers’ Digest surveys are skewed. Our fair country rates lowly among the courteous cities of this world (bottom ten leh!) only because in our First World nation with First World amenities, doors open and close themselves and most public toilets have automatic flushes. We don’t need to be courteous! We have machines to be courteous…