Tag: china
How Would You Design Food For The China Market?
Had a chuckle when I saw this sign last week and I’ve been wondering what would have been spoken about at the event, because you know, China’s record of food safety isn’t exactly stellar. How would you design food for the China market?
Waxy corn
On our eating tour of Shanghai, we came upon a shop on Huaihai Lu that sold steamed corn on the cob. Perfect for nomming while walking back to our serviced apartment. A couple of bites into one, I started asking Naomi’s mum how they managed to put sweet glutinous rice into every kernel of corn…
Franckly beats any French fare in Singapore
This is turning into an eating tour of Shanghai. It’s been a couple of hours since Naomi and I returned to our serviced apartment from dinner at Franck. It was no ordinary dinner. It was OMG THIS IS SO GOOD WE COULD LIVE HERE AND EAT HERE, IF NOT EVERY DAY, THEN AT LEAST ONCE…
Best egg tart in the world
The last time we were in Shanghai, we had the good fortune of being stuck in a jam on the corner of Huaihai Zhong Lu and Maoming Lu. Our friend Han Tong was in the taxi with us. And when we asked him why the heck people were queuing outside a hole in the wall,…
Underground children’s apparel mall
We’re in an underground mall that holds several hundred shops selling all manner of kids’ clothes. If you don’t hear from us again, tell the others.