Category: Places

  • National Days

    I was just wondering the other day that there were lots of independence days in August. We had ours, they had theirs, and they shouted Merdeka till they were hoarse. Then a couple of days passed and I thought it was a little late to talk about things happening in August. But then, fortuitously, I…

  • Mr Loh’s national song

    As I rushed to find a wireless hotspot to sit down at and email urgent work to a client, I heard a familiar tune in one of our great city’s many underpasses, and so decided to trace the source. But when I got to it, the busker had just finished his harmonica rendition of one…

  • More time plumbing

    If you’re not having a good day, or even if you’re having a good day, this file is double guaranteed to put a smile on your dial. Try not to listen to it while you’re driving or operating machinery that might take your fingers off if you didn’t pay attention. Then again, ‘there’s nothing that…

  • A royal Thai affair

    I never know when the festival is at the Thai embassy. So it was good that I happened to drive past it last Saturday, and we managed to sneak in a good hour on the festival’s last day on Sunday afternoon looking at such Thai fare as Tom Yum, Pad Thai and coconut. There were…

  • Ohio takes 10 tries and 2 hours to execute prisoner

    “But Newton, tadalafil who had had insisted on the death penalty as punishment and made no attempt to appeal, cialis chatted and laughed with prison staff throughout the delay. It took so long that the staff paused to allow Newton a bathroom break.” Link