Category: Places
Stupid trishaws mar Thaipusam spectacle
Thaipusam on Selegie Road, Singapore from Benjamin Lee on Vimeo. We got stuck in the jam at Selegie Road last night but didn’t mind because of the Thaipusam spectacle and the awesome LED-adorned kavadis. That is, until we passed a line of tourist-ripping trishaws blasting Chinese pop music. That, STB, is what is wrong with…
Wehistle if you’re beloiling!
It can be fun shopping at Mustafa’s. And sometimes, the literature for flashier looking products are also prone to typos:
Look at that muckefucking van!
According to JadedJulia, it’s a brand of coffee in Germany.
The only female station master in Japan is a cat
I know, it’s old news. But hey, some old news is better than bad news.
Miyagi House
No, I haven’t packed and left to set up a food court stall on Chapel Street, Melbourne. Although, you know, that sounds like an idea.