Category: Places
If you have a business idea that you think is too far fetched, the Russians won’t
I got an email from an old friend telling me, among other things, that “all good ideas will come to pass some day”. One of them may just have.
What’s a sporting event around the Padang that’s better than F1?
It’s held at and around the Padang, it lasts a weekend, it brings in teams from around the world, it’s got beer girls and after-parties, but it’s not the F1 GP. It’s a sporting event with a way longer history – 62 years – played at the Singapore Cricket Club’s grounds in front of city…
Christmas gift ideas: get what Jesus got
If you’re in the business of giving presents at Christmas, then you sure as hell better start now. (Yes, I did think about whether it was wrong to put hell and Christmas in the same sentence, but is just a figure o’ speech, yeronner!) You might take the path most beaten and take the top…
Knick-knacks to impress Hollywood!
It was really hot yesterday afternoon, but we managed to walk some of the fabric shops on Arab Street, looking for ribbons and other decorations. And it always strikes me when I’m there, how pretty the area is, and how twee the Tourism Board’s description of it is: Nothing beats Arab Street for bazaar-style shopping…
Article: 44 things you may not know about Singapore
The nation turns 44 this week. That’s an inauspicious number to some, but there’s always a way to turn that around and make it a little more positive. My mother-in-law tells me you could say it’s 4 + 4 = 8, and that, to the superstitious optimist, says something to the effect of “die die…