Category: Parenting
Ang Ku Kueh
Because we need to buy these to give away, I twittered the universe and asked where I could get good ones. The answers are still coming in, and I thought I maiswell share them with you here: Ji Xiang, Everton Park Bengawan Solo Sweet Surprise Ng Kim Lee (Chun Tin Road) 2nd level, Tiong Bahru…
Confinement tips
With this potion, I shall be invincible…. muahahahahaha! We’ve had lots of advice on Naomi’s recovery, ranging mostly from slight quackery (cannot drink cold water) to pure quackery (cannot drink plain water unless it’s mixed with ground eye of newt, stirred counter-clockwise, on the cusp of a partial or total eclipse of the moon). Naomi’s…
Nursing angels
Naomi and I have always been afraid of hospitals, and her month-long stint a year and a half ago still sends shivers down her (repaired with implants) spine. So we are very thankful that we experienced such a good stay this time round. The staff at the maternity wards at Mount Elizabeth Hospital are really…
Living at The Meconium
A friend commented on the baby jargon we’ve accumulated over the past 9 months, but I’m sure it’s the same with all new parents. One of the things that we’ve learned is that baby’s first few poops are a sticky greenish-black substance called “meconium”. That sounds more like the name of one of those modern…