Category: Parenting

  • A solid start

    Today Kai had a lunch of milk mixed with organic brown rice cereal. It was a messy but enthusiastic affair – Mama Naomi fed him from his brand new bowl with his brand new spoon, and for all the horror stories we heard about baby’s first meal, lunch ended with about a quarter of the…

  • All is good in the world because our baby just flipped over

    And we also visited Ion Orchard for the first time, taking in the labyrinthine and (mostly) underground mall’s offerings and crowds. OMG was it crowded. But the highlight of the week has to be that Kai turned himself over several times on his own (though still with constant accompaniment of his cheerleading squad of Mama…

  • No such thing as too cute

    Just when you think you’ve settled into a cycle, with baby’s feeding napping changing bathing all sewn up – baby’s growth throws another spanner in the works. We think Kai’s teething already. He’s been drooling so much and nomming his Sophie The Giraffe toy with so much gusto, it’s driving Mac The Dog nuts. But…

  • Baby Aglio Olio

    Kai has sensitive skin, just like his Papa, who was ridiculed from a young age when he declared to the Singapore Armed Forces medical board that he was allergic to grass and to his own perspiration. Those ain’t rosy cheeks you’re looking at on Kai’s cute little face. Those are dry, inflamed patches where he’s…

  • #joy

    Things that bring us happiness these days tend to revolve around Kai. His name in Japanese means “The World”, so he’s our world after all. We’re happy all of the time because we have Kai. Happiness tends to be an enveloping state of mind. But there are little moments that happen throughout that are just…