Category: The Ingterneck

  • Little. Yellow. Different.

    The campaigning continues. And I can’t let mrbrown campaign by himself. So, here’s my showcase of, um, one link. It’s by an Asian dude – so that counts as showcasing Asian blogs, only this dude’s American. He’s very, very funny, and I’ve recently re-acquainted myself with his blog. (I’m kicking myself for not updating my…

  • Yahoo! buys

    We’re proud to announce that has joined the Yahoo! family…

  • Blog by Jake: Vote for my owner!

    A coffee a day keeps the cat at play This is soooo cool! This weekend, my owner’s taking me to the vet to be tutored! Tutored! I’m gonna be learning new things! I’ve got such a cool owner, so you better go vote for him at the Weblog Awards! Technorati Tags: blog, Mr Miyagi, mrbrown,…

  • Stone motherless last

    I don’t wanna be stone motherless last! All youse people, can you stop voting for Xiaxue and click on my name a few times this week please? Here, I give you chiobu photos (twins ok!): “You idiot! It’s a fund-raising hair show, not hair-raising fund show!” The Choy & May 2006 Calendar on sale now……

  • Australian bloggers muzzled

    Many local bloggers are unaware that they may be liable for everything they write on their sites, there not to mention all of the colourful comments made by contributors. Our new sedition laws will make this worse.