Category: The Ingterneck

  • TODAY: Financial tips you can trust?

    Turning stock market pundits, bloggers cry kelong on unscrupulous companies YOU could say controversy and scandal accompanied the rise of blogs last year, what with extensive media coverage of sedition charges and threats of defamation action. Could the new year see a boom in blogs as legitimate sources of business and financial information? The disclaimer…

  • Please allow to use my photo

    Russian Restaurants Around The World Update: Alex from wasn’t very happy I posted our email exchange wherein he asked to use my Flickr photo of Shashlik restaurant and wherein I agreed. So he wrote to ask me nicely to remove the email exchange, which I now have: From: Subject: Re: Please allow to…

  • TODAY: Foaming with fury

    Bloggers set up petition calling for a ban on foam sprays A GOOD year starts off with a long weekend, or as blogger Re-minisce ( puts it, a “wild and wanton new year loonnng weekend”. The weekend of wild celebrations aside, this is a good time to read what others are resolving to do this…

  • Try ecto. It’s rilly, rilly good

    I like being able to compose blog posts even when I’m not online – though that’s quite seldom. And while you could use any old text editor or word processor to compose and format your posts, you’d still have to do a bit of cutting, pasting or clicking here and there. So I’ve been using…

  • O Christmas Tree

    Some time ago, I spent Christmas Eve in London, cooking a dinner of grilled salmon on pasta, followed by a dessert of cherries and then a bottle of Scotch. It snowed that night, and quite heavily too. I woke up Christmas morning to take out the trash and fell on my backside on the iced-over…