Category: The Ingterneck

  • Bursting at the seams

    If you were to check the statistics for your own blog or website, and depending on whether you had written about the latest thing on the internet, you might find something like this: Which may lead to your hosting provider writing you something like this: Hello I am writing to let you know that I…

  • Doubt not the power of the blog

    On a personal level lah. I received this comment early this morning: Darling Ben! Thank for about the only entry on the entire internet about me…you were a star all those many years ago! What a chance this was to stumble across your blog. Thank you for all the nice things you said in your…

  • TODAY: Idol bloggers

    They may not be able to sing, but you can bet they’ll write about it … LAST week I touched on how I thought bloggers and podcasters would participate in the General Elections (GE) by talking about the rallies and speeches. This week, as if to give even more of an indication of things to…

  • TODAY: Blogging and the elections

    Will bloggers fall foul of ‘election advertising?’ Who’s stepping down? Who’s moving up? Who’s being moved to another ward? Yes, we’re talking about the coming General Elections. Are bloggers talking about it? You bet! Should they talk about it? We’ll see. Read more at TODAYonline [pdf][txt] Technorati Tags: blog, elections, singapore

  • You spam me, I ridicule you

    I know it’s hard trying to market your services, and sometimes you’ll stop at nothing to propagate information about your own company. But if you send me unsolicited email, speow my company name wrongly and show that your grammar’s nosso good… I laugh at you lor. Loud loud. Hahaha. Nabeh. I am helping you, right?…