Category: The Ingterneck

  • Bless the squire and his relations

    Once, when I was in junior college, the discipline master reprimanded a schoolmate for having his shirt tucked out while school was still in session. He said to the errant boy, “How dare you walk around with your shirt tucked out like that? What do you think this is? Your grandfather’s school?” My schoolmate thought…

  • Kids say the darndest things

    On one of the obscure TODAY articles I wrote about blogging in the classroom, there was a comment left today referring to the Wee Shu Min debacle, which alerted me to the Wee Shu Min debacle, which would have gone completely unnoticed because I am such a blurblock when it comes to matters of national…

  • Template changes

    I’m mucking around with the template. Don’t be alarmed by the bits and pieces lying around. (Although the photos of myself are deliberate. But then again, you shouldn’t be alarmed by that).

  • So much for in-flight wi-fi

    I received this email from Connexion by Boeing which said that Boeing would be discontinuing Connexion by Boeing. The upside is that passengers will be able to use the service free of charge from now till the end of the year depending on the airline you were travelling with. I remember using the service on…

  • Political blogs something something

    The Lianhe Zaobao political desk ran a story today about blogging and politics. This is a great way to learn Mandarin – you reply to their email questions in English and they translate it for you. And knowing that they’re known for accurate reporting, I now know exactly what it is in Mandarin that I…