Category: Media

  • Leave a video comment

    Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! I’ve been using Disqus for the commenting system on this blog for several months now, and they’ve recently added two new features – trackbacks and video commenting. Yes, video commenting. Go play with it!

  • Forget work, Plurk

    “It’s like Twitter and MSN had babies”, says a fellow Plurker who’s assuring me that I’ll get used to the latest bees’ knees of social networking web 2.0 IM gadgetroniconicalthingie. Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! So, yeah, here’s my Plurk page thing.

  • Drinks with The Karen Cheng

    It’s been a rough week battling the flu, and an exhausting two-day hiccupping fit, so I was really happy to finally get to meet one of my favourite bloggers in the entire um… blogosphere, and it turns out she was uni mates with one of my oldest friends who used to date one of her…

  • Meet the Karen Cheng

    I’ve been following Karen Cheng’s blog on and off since blogs were invented way back in 1976. If you’re not already a fan, she’s a hot Perth mother of two lovely kids who blogs about her family, shopping et cetera on a very pretty self-designed website at On occasion, she takes self-portraits in a…

  • Joe Augustin got what?

    It was with shock and horror that I logged in to Facebook for the first time in yonks, to read amongst the hundreds of superpokes and superclittickles that Joe Augustin got fired. I haven’t listened to radio for so long that I’ve never listened to 91.3FM (the station that fired Joe), much less known about…