Category: Media

  • Help lick special needs

    Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! It could be too early in the morning for me, but I thought the headline meant we were going to be able to buy Zoe Tay stamps. My mind’s eye filled with silly headlines before I read on and realised we weren’t going to be able to lick the back of…

  • Got milk?

    These are things you shouldn’t even have to think about, but now, you have to, because some idiot put melamine in milk. Before you go away thinking it’s okay because you’re a snob and you don’t drink milk products from China and Dutch Lady is not really your kinda brand of strawberry milk, here’s some…

  • Fair and petite maid allowed bail

    That’s what I’d read into it: Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch!

  • Astonishing

    It could be simply a case of Peranakan hyperbole. Then again, there are other astonishing claims these days: Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch!

  • I will not stand for my food being censored!

    I was at the neighbourhood Cheers convenience store looking to get tempted to buy snackies when I picked up a packet of Seneca Apple Chips, turned to see the ingredients listed, in case they were made with harmful stuff like trans fat and fake apples, and saw the blurb describing the product which was marked…