Category: Living

  • Gays, free ice cream, and Taufik

    There was an “I Love Children Family Carnival 2006” at the East Coast Park on Sunday. There were also radio advertisement spots, in which a little girl is heard to tell Mummy that “there’ll be gays, free ice cream and clowns”, and that “Singapore Idol Taufik will be there too”. So, in celebration of “National…

  • It’s not so hairy

    If you follow mrbrown and get a haircut with him, be prepared to be the only non-teenagers in the salon besides the hairdressers. Be also prepared that your haircut will be quite radical-looking. Comments on the haircut included ‘Cock-Star Supernova’, ‘Dragonball’ and ‘Sonic the Hedged Hog’. The name of the place is ‘It’s Hairy!’, which…

  • Tanjong Pagar confusion

    From askgerard: which begs several possible questions: 1) Where do the non-staff go in an emergency? Or, healing 2) How come only staff are instructed not to obstruct? Or, find 3) Why is there only one stair? Technorati Tags: singapore, singlish

  • Singapore rated in bottom 10 of world’s most courteous cities

    Readers’ Digest surveys are skewed. Our fair country rates lowly among the courteous cities of this world (bottom ten leh!) only because in our First World nation with First World amenities, doors open and close themselves and most public toilets have automatic flushes. We don’t need to be courteous! We have machines to be courteous…

  • Jamie Cullum

    First of all, many thanks to the promoters of the Jamie Cullum concert last night for giving me and mr brown “VVIP” complimentary tickets. It was a smashing concert – Mr Cullum even broke (the keyboard cover of) the piano for good measure. Pity the Suntec Convention Centre’s Hall on the 6th floor (probably the…