Category: Living

  • Shopping for good reason

    In between work-related activity in L.A., I’ve managed to squeeze in a fair bit of time doing wedding-related activity. You know, things like calling my parents and telling them what me and my fiancée have planned, listening to them agree, and then trying not to be more stressed when they call back five minutes later…

  • It starts somewhere

    It’s the same sunset, but you can watch it over and over again If you were to tell me a couple of years ago that I’d be stressing out over wedding plans right now, I wouldn’t even have laughed at you because I’d have thought you were talking to your friend next to me or…

  • Flight delayed “due to technical requirements”

    Flight delay face “Due to technical requirements”? “Eh, Joe, you got put the wings back on the plane or not? It’s a technical requirement you know? Or else cannot fly leh!” It’s worse when you’ve lined up at the boarding gate and gotten your hand carry triple checked for two strange pipe-like objects (microphone stands),…

  • Happy be-early birthday

    Things have been so hectic lately I think I’ve sometimes forgotten to even breathe. And so I was extremely relieved and happy that an elaborate birthday surprise was planned and executed for me. I was completely taken by surprise, partly because it’s about what, a week out from my birthday? But anyway, I was the…

  • Merchandise!

    The t-shirts are S$20 each, excluding postage Ok, we’ve gotten the designs for our first two T-shirts done and we are in production. We’ll be taking orders in two weeks time. In the meantime, those of you who are interested can send us an email and we will let you know when you can order.…