Category: Living
We can rebuild them, we have the technology
Loose what, didja say? Sometimes, placing Adsense ads on your website can be quite funny as it uses keywords on your blog to display ‘relevant’ advertising. But in no post do I remember writing anything about anyone having or being a loose vagina. Also, LVR must stand for Loose Vagina Reconstruction? Yes? No? Any cosmetic…
UFO Cafe
Please be careful of your fingers
Because they might tickle you or something… This is arguably more effective a phrasing than ‘Beware of lift door’, or “Do Not Put Fingers Into Gap Between Lift Door and Lift Door Recess” because when you’re asked to ‘Be Careful of Your Fingers’, you are more likely to look at your fingers by holding your…
Why do you want to know?
I’m attending the International Sex Video Forum 2006 at Suntec And to answer today’s search engine query: ‘How do you make brown rice tea?’ I think it involves some brown rice and some boiling water. And a pot. And some cups to serve them in. Yah. Technorati Tags: search engine requests, Singapore
I should hope so
Interpreters help bridge language barrier at IMF/WB meetings, among other revelations heard first, and only, on! Dang! I thought interpreters were people who built houses! Whaddya know?!