Category: Living
Disney on Ice: Found Nemo
The local version of Disney’s Finding Nemo on Ice didn’t go down well with the kids. Technorati Tags: Finding Nemo, Disney on Ice, Singapore
A life less urinary
There are these urinals in the gents on the first floor of Great World City which might just make you stop urinating in mid-stream when you realise you’re pointing your pee-pee in the general direction of a tiger’s mouth or a gorilla’s open jaws. Symptoms vary. Some people feel like browning their pants.
Whatever gets you through long days
Idol season (the American one) is starting again, I hear. And judging from one of the interviews judge Paula Abdul is giving to various media outlets, things must’ve taken their toll during the auditions. (via Technorati Tags: american idol, Paula Abdul
Patience, young Jedi
I’m not blogging as often as I’d like to be, mostly because days have turned into nights and vice-versa because of work, which is quite fun in spite of the frequent brain-jams I’ve been getting for various reasons. One of the said brain-jamming moments is when I’m sitting here on my computer, trying to type…
Resolutions and remedies
It’s a pity mobile phones and recording devices aren’t allowed in military installations any more. Or else, what a rich tapestry of you know, stuff, a blogger could take out of the things that go on in military installations that are really, you know, interesting. I’d wish one and all a Happy New Year, but…