Category: Living
Yes, the ERP gantries are working
What are they inspecting while in the truck?
Happy birthday
I was looking for a picture of a birthday cake to accompany this post, and stumbled upon the colourful and tasty looking Flickr stream of Pink Cake Box. So, um, happy birthday, blog! And cake for everyone! For anyone who’s interested in how it all began: 2 April 2004.
Assholes of the week
Photo by redefyne Hackers embed flashing animations on epilepsy support forum Thieves steal cancer patient’s PSP Creative Labs clamps down on driver modder for making their products work with Vista Idiots aim laser lights at aircraft flying into Sydney Airport
Positive spin: Singapore Airlines supports Earth Hour
SQ221 bound for Sydney was last night delayed for an hour in support of Earth Hour. This is the third time (second time in a week) a fuel-line related problem has dogged the new A380 aircraft, and Singapore Airlines is happy to have been able to support the global campaign on behalf of all 400+…
Nipple-less pro wrestling
I can’t remember if it was in primary school or secondary school, when we were on the football/rugby field, and when sledging was de rigeuer but mostly harmless. Things like “Your momma must be ugly cos you ugly too” were tossed back and forth. And it took a real sporting talent to come up with…