Category: Living

  • There is no hope

    I was sitting down at Whampoa market waiting for my chye tow kuay to be ready, and next to me was this gangly, pimply teenage fella sitting across from who I assume to be his mother, who was stacking up hers and her son’s empty bowls and chopsticks because they’d just finished her lunch and…

  • I will not stand for my food being censored!

    I was at the neighbourhood Cheers convenience store looking to get tempted to buy snackies when I picked up a packet of Seneca Apple Chips, turned to see the ingredients listed, in case they were made with harmful stuff like trans fat and fake apples, and saw the blurb describing the product which was marked…

  • Be right back

    Regular programming will resume shortly. I’m busy with stuff. No I didn’t queue for the iPhone. Siao!

  • In defence of Sim Lim Square

    Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! Geek Central isn’t so bad, at least not when I was there last week to get some stuff for my brother in law in China (because it’s worse over there – you can hardly get any non-pirated stuff for a reasonable retail price, apparently). At several shops on the fourth and…

  • For independent um… working individuals

    Do away with your pimp. Clean yourself your own way.