Category: Living
The Taiwanese food’s better here
There is an upside to taking your Taiwanese mother-in-law to a Taiwanese restaurant, and it is that she will prove beyond all doubt that that restaurant is not authentic, by transporting her entire kitchen to your apartment built for two people, staff it with her domestic helpers and enlist yours to the same cause, and…
One mosquito bite
Last Wednesday night Naomi and Jessie the Confinement Nanny were wondering why Kai had started sporting a few freckles and moles on his face and body. We had no idea what was to follow. Thursday morning saw a few more spots on his face, some reddish, some brown, and there was a bruise on his…
Second month confinement
And in other news
My brother’s wife gave birth yesterday morning to a baby boy. Baby Kai has a Baby Cousin. Congratulations Kenneth & Melani!