Category: Living

  • When Quando Fails No Matter How Many Times You Say It

    I was inspired by this video I saw on FB the other day about nursing home patients who reacted very positively to music from their era and decided to try it out on my father who is convalescing in hospital. The trouble with doing that was that my father was never known to like music…

  • Easter bunnies

    Naomi made the most ingenious plans ever hatched in trying to keep two active but sick with flu kids (one 3 year old and one 4 year old) entertained throughout the Easter weekend. Because they’ve been sick for a whole week, they weren’t able to socialize (Kai’s birthday party was cancelled), and we had no…

  • The bicycle kick that could

    I was asking mrbrown yesterday why a bicycle kick in football is called a bicycle kick. It doesn’t resemble a bicycle, and when the kicker executes it, even if correctly, it doesn’t look like he/she is riding a bicycle, unless you count riding a bicycle upside down and about to fall off and hurt yourself.…

  • From the White Horse’s mouth

    I was enlisted in December 1988, just as the Army was changing their combat helmets from heavy steel to high tech Dupont Kevlar, and apart from my dog tags that said I was allergic to penicillin and triple antigen vaccines, my medical docket had this mysterious ink stamp that simply said, “W.H.” Read more at…

  • Who scared who?

    That used to be the catch cry among some of my mates at uni. You could call it the Singlish version of “Who Dares Wins”, only it meant daring each other to do really stupid things, like going up to a guy with a ponytail in a club and yanking it and running away. (Bonus…