Category: Living
mb: Miyagi gets a beer
Miyagi gets a beer Originally uploaded by mr brown. Corporal David Tan, ampoule prescription Bravo Combat Team Platoon Seven runner says hi to his darling, sale Renee ( Miyagi got a beer for this last night. I can totally see a market for this blog. Platform for reservist shout-outs to their loved ones. Payment in…
mb: Mr Miyagi takes a canteen break
Mr Miyagi takes a canteen break Originally uploaded by mr brown. Canteen break. 2 bucks, Aussie, for a Mars bar, $1.50 for a beer. Even reserbit in Australia also must have canteen break, the sacred and holy ritual of the Singapore soldier, Holy Knight of the Order of National Service. I wonder if they have…
mb: Miyagi back from an exercise
Miyagi back from an exercise Originally uploaded by mr brown. After four days on exercise, buy cialis Miyagi is back in civilisation. Meaning: got mobile signal. He is still in the boonies though. This is his message: Queensland sun so hot, find like that also can get sunburned. Personally, hospital I think he looks like…
mb: Miyagi from the boonies
Miyagi from the boonies Originally uploaded by mr brown. Telegraph from mr miyagi. Rain. Four. Days. Wash. Underwear. Cannot. Dry. That does look like the face of a man who is wearing wet underwear in the bush. Hope nothing gross starts to grow down there.
mb: Mews and Boon
What many do not realise is that Miyagi is also very good at writing love stories. So I shall attempt to write a love story too. Zapped!: Love Amongst the Photocopier Machines Her lips said she didn’t want to see me anymore. But her eyes told me something else. I could tell from the way…