Category: Living
Blog by Jake: Not happy!
#@$!%# owner went and fixed me! I bite his camera! They said I’d be better. They said I’d get a certificate. I got a certificate. But I’m not happy at all. Try falling asleep and waking up and trying to clean yourself down there and whoa… where they go?! Oh well, I’m still gonna scratch…
From sunny Singapore!
Thank youse all who are voting for me, especially Flagrant Harbour, for switching allegiance. If you’re ever in Singapore, I’ll buy you a very useful guided tour of the Esplanade – only $8, don’t worry – which is really great, for if you didn’t have that guided tour, you wouldn’t know what the inside of…
Perhaps this film cannot cut it
Aren’t I a good-looking dude? I thought so. So go vote for Mr Miyagi! Its been a while since I watched a movie, so I went and watched ‘Perhaps Love‘, a $10M musical starring Jackie Cheung, Takeshi Kaneshiro and Zhou Xun. Let’s just say the film suffers from multiple personality disorder. No, actually, worse. Multiple…
Chestnuts does bloggers
“Mr & Mrs Sith” You know bloggers have done something right this year when all three newspapers and every tv station (or one big media monopoly) savage and pillory you. More importantly, you know you’re worth your salt when the annual Chestnuts revue (this is the 9th) has a segment on bloggers. Chestnuts: Episode III…
Melvyn Tan mobilised!
Total recall? Hahahahaha Servicemen from units assigned the following codewords are to report to their mobilisation centres immediately: “FAMOUS PIANIST”… But seriously though, I am sorry Melvyn Tan has had to defer [not my choice of word] his performance at the Esplanade. Technorati Tags: army, nationalservice, melvyntan, singapore