Category: Living

  • Quo Copacabana

    Update: The concert has been cancelled due to ‘inclement weather’. Hossan apologizes to everyone who turned up at the park in the rain – yes, that’s you, Mr Tan and dog. So sorry. We buy you coffee ok? Orchard Road early on Saturday morning is like this: grey, wet, dreary, and dunnowhy the shops aren’t…

  • Cunning stunts

    Jaclyn Tay said on the New Paper today that she was fed up with doing stunts for charity shows (yes, they’re still on – this one’s for Ren-Ci Hospital). She said on her mishap at rehearsals yesterday, “The coordination in timing when the guys lowered me wasn’t right. So I ended up being twisted”. She…

  • TV sucks

    I watched television for the first time this year. There was Stupidity Factor on Channel Five and a very, very old re-run of Smallville on Star World. They were still using Blueberry iMacs in that episode (where Clark’s ‘biological mother’ comes and zho luan). Might be a while before the telly’s turned on again. Technorati…

  • What are you meant to do?

    Miss Yong’s catering career was determined from an early age, keeping her family’s income secure, while younger sister Emma was allowed to pursue the dramatic arts. I was happy to be sufficiently inebriated to enjoy Saturday night’s fireworks display from my friend’s balcony. (But I wasn’t that inebriated as to marvel at the fireworks and…

  • What da heow? Happy New Year!

    New York lah! You think what? Singapore so nice ah? What da heow? Where 2005 go? Nabeh! I haven’t finish yet! Come back! And I rue another year of being disorganised enough to not do enough things that I wanted to do. Yeah. No more rueing. If you find me rueing in 2006, kick me.…