Category: Living
Sing a song, buy some roses, Valentine’s Day is nigh
You’ll notice on my sidebar several small advertisements, one of which is for a gift voucher company that is offering special Valentine’s Day packages. I met up with the blokes who run the company, and they told me several interesting things about the Valentine’s Day retail (sucker) business. I’ll be sharing these things with you…
The very bearable lightness of Beng
You must, you must, you must watch Broadway Beng. Spare $35 – $50 and an hour and a half of either Monday or Tuesday night, and let Sebastian Tan make you laugh till your sides hurt. It is odd, this ‘concept’ – as Sebastian calls the idea that turned into this show – of what…
I are not allowed to study English
No studying allowed – that are how we train staff… iTunes is playing an illegal copy of It’s Been A Long Time from the album “There’ll Come A Time” by Betty Everett of which I have the original CD. Technorati Tags: burger king, engrish, singapore
And how things change
I’ve just managed to migrate (or ’cause to migrate’) all my old posts from the blogspot site to here. As expected, I made a big mess, and there are uncategorized duplicate posts ollovuh the place. It’s easy to tear your hair out over these little things, and in my case, even easier. But you know,…
Being forced to dress up for the occasion is not always a good thing
“I’m putting out the kill my owner signal as soon as I get home.” Link iTunes is playing an illegal copy of Don’t Let The Green Grass Fool You from the album “Random Tracks” by Wilson Pickett of which I have the original CD.