Category: At home

  • Our child will not be wearing squeaky shoes

    OK, these aren’t squeaky, but we dislike them too There is one thing that should be banned for the sake of your kid and the general public – shoes that squeak. They are by far the most irritating things parents can buy for their children. So far, none of our friends who’ve kids have made…

  • Mosquito spot check

    We had a really late night, and the only remedy was for a later wake up but that plan was thwarted by the door bell ringing and the dog barking. I threw on some clothes and went to answer the door, then I took off my t-shirt, put it on the right way round and…

  • Breakfast served with the news

    We get up in the mornings and make breakfast of yogurt and honey, kiwifruit and plum, strawberry and raspberry, a glass of milk and a banana, and then eat while watching the horrible, horrible things on the news channels.

  • There may be smelly, don’t worry, it’s ok

    We’ve been eating at home a lot lately, and when I say I cook up a storm, I’m mostly referring to the debris that has to be cleaned up in the kitchen afterward. Naomi and I have inherited quite a few appliances from our parents’ kitchens – toasters, juicers, steamers – some of which have…

  • Be right back

    Regular programming will resume shortly. I’m busy with stuff. No I didn’t queue for the iPhone. Siao!