Author: Mr Miyagi

  • Preparing For The Departed

    You will need to be detached in order to do the things that need to be done when a loved one dies. It’ll be easier when you’re prepared with a checklist before they leave. Here are some of the things my siblings and I had to prepare when our parents passed away in 2011 and…

  • Ceremonies Are For Eating

    We send my father off this afternoon with a church service and cremation. The ritual and ceremony of the event would have made him feel a little awkward. Most gatherings did.

  • The Unbreakable Braun Series 7 Shaver

    OK, this is a bit late for a Christmas gift idea post, but this morning as I was charging my Braun Series 7 Shaver, I tried to recall when it was that mrbrown and myself received these Uncle Gifts from Braun’s then PR company. It was April 2008. That’s almost 8 years ago, and we’re…

  • The Last Minute Christmas Shopping Guide Part Two

    And now for the second part of The Last Minute Shopping Guide: Macheroux Photography Know someone who takes bad pictures? Save us all from having them in our social media feed and give them a course at Macheroux Photography. Either that, or buy them a couple of prints like this one: Little Red Art  Little Red…

  • The Last Minute Christmas Shopping Guide Part One

    That’s it, it’s the last weekend before Christmas, and if you haven’t completed your gift-shopping, here are a few leads to help you along.