Author: Mr Miyagi

  • When You Wake Up From The Singapore Dream

    A month ago I was asked by this client if I wanted to be involved with a campaign for a retirement financial product. I was reluctant, until they told me of the story of Mr Leong, a former taxi driver and uni graduate. Mr Leong’s former assumptions of life, health, family and retirement haven’t panned…

  • Weekly Tweets

    12seconds – [Qik] Mobile video by Benjamin Lee # 12seconds – [Qik] Mobile video by Benjamin Lee # I uploaded a YouTube video — Qik – Mobile video by Benjamin Lee # FB RT: Trying to upload my reel to facebook! Here's the link first… # Thems Ikea chicken wings and meatballs…

  • Weekly Tweets

    RT @gssq: Singapore: the only country in the world which treats foreigners better than its people; # In theatre rehearsing #hossanleongshow # "Low also admitted that she started stealing Pokeman cards when she was young". # RT @mrbrown: RT @badbanana: The dialogue in 'CSI: Miami' seems to be written without any concern…

  • Weekly Tweets

    "And that's what you lesbians are missing out on" RT @patlaw: Never seen anything that big before. # Testing twitterberry! # Buying stuff at a surprisingly busy Novena Square # Omg I think I'm gonna get a blister on my thumb # RT @ladyironchef: Oh My God! foie gras macaron # The new Tweetdeck…

  • Weekly Tweets

    Myanmar's military has transferred billions of dollars from a gas project into two banks in Singapore # RT @mrbrown: Banks deny holding Myanmar cash RT @agbullet: @mrbrown DBS and OCBC have denied the allegations. # Can you hear that? They are sounding my superhero signal. Now where's my costume?! Mum! Where you put…