Why do you want to know?

search engine requests 18th September 2006
I’m attending the International Sex Video Forum 2006 at Suntec

And to answer today’s search engine query: How do you make brown rice tea?’

I think it involves some brown rice and some boiling water. And a pot. And some cups to serve them in. Yah.

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6 responses to “Why do you want to know?”

  1. DK Avatar

    Why would someone wanna google to see what you are doing now? Hahahaha….

  2. DK Avatar

    Why would someone wanna google to see what you are doing now? Hahahaha….

  3. DK Avatar

    Why would someone wanna google to see what you are doing now? Hahahaha….

  4. ak Avatar

    1.take a piece of mr brown.
    2.Add rice
    3.Add tea

    Serves 2. Bak kut teh.

  5. ak Avatar

    1.take a piece of mr brown.
    2.Add rice
    3.Add tea

    Serves 2. Bak kut teh.

  6. ak Avatar

    1.take a piece of mr brown.
    2.Add rice
    3.Add tea

    Serves 2. Bak kut teh.

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