Year: 2013
Forget About Budget 2013: Here’s How To Ride In A Luxury Car
Instead of forking out $100K cash to get anywhere close to buying a car, I strongly urge you to download Uber and sign up for access to an entire fleet of Audis, BMWs, Mercedes and Jaguars, chauffeured, ready to pick you up when you most need a ride. Here’s how: Yes, you read correctly –…
Pave The Way For Her Journey To Education
The Gyanada Foundation, set up by Adrianna Tan and her team, is hoping to send disadvantaged girls in India to proper schools where they’ll receive education. Click on the link to learn more, and donate if you can.
The Reason Behind The Singtel 3G Outage
So thanks to my cousin in KL, I found this really cool app for the iPhone called “Action Movie FX“. Great for CNY when you’re bored in between visiting relatives.
Happy New Year!
Here’s wishing everyone a great new year of the snake! May you have the opportunity to eat more! (Yes, “eat more snake” too).