Year: 2013

  • Competition Is Good For Health

    I’m glad the little “Healthy Rivalry” campaign that mrbrown and myself are doing for HPB is making people interested in what we’re eating (and cheating) for our daily meals. More importantly, people have also gotten interested in what the Healthy Lifestyle Index is about. The HLI is a very simple survey about health and wellness,…

  • How Would You Design Food For The China Market?

    Had a chuckle when I saw this sign last week and I’ve been wondering what would have been spoken about at the event, because you know, China’s record of food safety isn’t exactly stellar. How would you design food for the China market?

  • That’s Not Work, Papa!

    During chat time a couple of days ago, Kai asked about my day, so I told him about rehearsals and how Uncle Kumar had to learn the dance steps Uncle George made up to the songs we were going to play for the show. He furrowed his brow and declared very seriously, “that’s not work…

  • Rivals In Health

    So mrbrown and myself took HPB’s Healthy Lifestyle Index, and he’s beat me 7 to 6. But that’s cos he’s got like 20 bicycles and I’ve got one that I seldom ride. OK, of course there are many other factors involved. Put a bit of fun into it, pick a rival and do the HLI…

  • Violet Oon Remembers A Drag Party I Hosted

    We had a great lunch yesterday at Violet Oon’s Kitchen, and were sorry only for not having enough people with us so we could order and try more dishes. After lunch service wound down, Violet emerged from the kitchen and spoke with customers who were taking their time with dessert. She came by our table…