We had several celeb sightings and near-misses on our trip. Our traveling companion L found Kanye West blocking her view of some freshly launched merchandise at Colette; her husband S found himself gushing about some ‘famous French actress I forgot her name but she is very popular’ after dinner at Hélène Darroze; I cursed about the lifts at Selfridges being slow, only to see that it had been commandeered by Liz Hurley and Shane Warne, or rather, their security detail.
But as far as Kai was concerned, the celebrity that meant the most was Tom Kerridge, who happened to be at Harrod’s doing a cooking demo for the Staub brand of cookware when we walked into the store to take refuge from the very English weather.
Kai was cranky and acting up, so when I spotted the cooking demo, I told Naomi that I would bring him to be distracted. Watching the chef make an interesting looking omelette made him hungry and even crankier, and we eventually had to ask for two plates of the demo omelette, which he walloped very quickly. No mean feat when he normally doesn’t like eggs.
It was no ordinary omelette in any case. It was Tom Kerridge’s Omelette Arnold Bennett, and it was damn shiok. We don’t care how many stars Michelin gave this fella, but if he makes our son eat eggs, he’s a champion.

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