Month: January 2011
We will make our own snacks
One of our resolutions was to cut down on junk and outside-bought food, and so far, apart from the ton of snacks we brought back from China (yah, I know, right?) we’ve kept to our word. Of course, it helps when you’ve got this, a Christmas present we gave ourselves, not least because we share…
Search for Stroganoff
Naomi’s mum was hankering for beef stroganoff the other day, and she remembered enjoying a serving of it tremendously at Rochester Park Cafe. So we went, but unfortunately, the original Rochester Park Cafe is no more, replaced by a business called Seb’s Bistro, which still uses Rochester Park Cafe’s menu covers, but without the items…
New Year’s Nom
Over the New Year’s weekend, we:
Apple Corner
Anyone who’s been to the ToTT Store in Bukit Timah will know what a kitchen wonderland it is, chock full of appliances we can’t afford, plus an IKEA-style cafeteria that is suspiciously not as crowded as IKEA’s cafeteria. We had been looking for an apple corer over the weekend, because one of our new projects…