Year: 2010
Water conservation FAIL
It has come to someone’s notice that the recent dry spell must be over, because a grassroots community group has organised a ‘water-splashing’ festival to make the foreigners in their midst welcome in their estate. BTW, Earth Hour is tomorrow.
Save the World FAIL
I received this booklet titled “The Survival of the World is in Your Hands” in the mail today. Dammit. As if I didn’t have enough on my plate, now I have to save the world because the people who printed thousands of these booklets and stuffed them in mailboxes hoping people will read them can’t.
Why we only have rude kids who know how to pass exams
The things I remember from kindergarten (oh yes I do) are nap time and snack time, and the number of other kids’ birthdays we used to celebrate with songs and games and cake. There was very little math, spelling or reading, though there was also storytime. But apparently, in the decades since, things have been…
Construction mystery
There is something unusual about the construction site next door, where they are probably trying to squeeze ten houses into a plot that used to house one. At about 8 in the morning, when they are legally allowed to start banging about, they start banging about, hammering things here and there, dropping something that sounds…
You see? You see Your Singapore?
Driving down Orchard Road recently, I noticed banners for “YourSingapore.Com”, and later found that it was the latest iteration of STB’s attempt to brand Singapore. It looks as if STB took many different ideas from different PR and Ad agencies who pitched to them one form or other of theoretically user-generated content and came up…