And so, our son turned one on Sunday, accompanied by the aunties and uncles who love him and have showered him with so much affection this past year.
Naomi fixed up most of the decorations for the little tea-party, as well as most of the desserts, while we’re thankful we have a chef among our friends that whipped up the hot food. We’re exhausted but happy, and so is Kai.
Bring on toddlerhood and the terrible twos!
One of the few things we bought instead of making – the Happy Birthday garland I printed the flags. Naomi made the Rice Krispy Treats, found the templates for the flags, got a friend to design another, emailed them to me, and then glued them to toothpicks The Birthday-Easter Goody Bag consisted of cupcakes, other sugary treats and a set of home-made (i.e. Naomi-made) coasters The cupcakes – green because it’s Kai’s favourite color, and teal because it goes well on him. We didn’t make these. Cadbury did. Irregular shaped means they’re home-made These were harder to cut out than expected Naomi made these pretty pinwheels a few weeks ago for the kids to bring home. My sole contribution – the salad Hats off to Chef Ray Tan for the very good hot food selection of bangers and mash and quesadillas Marshmallows dipped in chocolate The Birthday Wish Board The Photo-Garland wall consists of pictures of Kai from Day 1 The tissue pom poms were made in time thanks to friends who volunteered – and who ended up making pom poms till 6am on the day of the party Pretty buntings made thanks to the timely loan of a sewing machine and some nice fabric from Chinatown Best birthday ever, even if Kai won’t remember it
There are templates for them on the net. Just find one you like the look of, and go get some nice paper – you can find some nice patterns in used christmas and birthday present wrappers.
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