Month: August 2009

  • When once the flag flew me

    Once, during NS, me and two other guys were made the battalion’s flag raising party for one of many early morning parades. This task entailed picking up the flags from the Regimental Sergeant Major’s office, checking the cords to make sure nothing was frayed, and rehearsing our marching to the flag poles at the top…

  • Weekly Tweets

    There's a 1.5hr wait at SGH for admission registration and a further, unspecified wait for a bed. Healthcare system #fail # On the other hand, the toilets for the handicapped at SGH are very thoughtfully designed. I take back 1/2 a #fail for the healthcare system # The poor Makcik at SGH urges me to…

  • Article: 44 things you may not know about Singapore

    The nation turns 44 this week. That’s an inauspicious number to some, but there’s always a way to turn that around and make it a little more positive. My mother-in-law tells me you could say it’s 4 + 4 = 8, and that, to the superstitious optimist, says something to the effect of “die die…

  • Weekly Tweets

    From Weekly Tweets # RE: OMG, WTF? AYFR? # – Caption contest! 'i think i was lying on your keys. Can check while I raise my butt up like this?' # Naomi just made the best burger in the world. We are never going out for burgers again. Ever. # Is…