Month: March 2009
Goodbye Ah Mah
My Ah Mah, my maternal grandmother, used to sew pyjamas and quilts for every single one of her twenty odd (or is it thirty odd) grandchildren. She’d buy yards and yards of fabric every year, and when we’d go visit her in Seremban, we’d come home with a new pair of jammies, knowing that every…
Weekly Tweets
On Muay Thai becoming popular among SG women: “This will not help our low birth rates”: # RT @nighthound: Q: What do you call a depressed Transformer? A: Emoticon # Vermont votes to legalize same sex marriage: # Nadya says turn off for Earth Hour: # Thanks Pat. RT @patlaw: Kumar made…
Parenting tips with your trim and wash?
It’s like this cult of parenting, this club of happy enthusiastic people who’ve been so nice and welcoming to Naomi and I ever since they’ve known Naomi was expecting. There have been random acts of kindness and completely unsolicited advice from complete strangers – “this baby nail scissors is really good, you should get it”;…
Earth Hour
It doesn’t take much. Just turn off every darn thing in your house and wait an hour this Saturday: