Year: 2008

  • Images of technical recession: Uncertain Times

  • Shrinking Singapore

    The economy is shrinking, so what better time than now to muck around and shrink everything else with some special photo effects. I recently learned about something called ’tilt-shifting’, which is a photographic technique I haven’t been able to wrap my brain around, but which allows you to ‘fake’ miniturizations. Photographer Keith Loutit manages to…

  • Who is keeping us safe

    Our security guard comes to work at around 7am and knocks off at 6pm, and one of his responsibilities is to wave – to me / at me / vaguely in my direction, when I’m driving out or driving home. When I’m walking the dog out of the condo compound, his waves linger just a…

  • Young people nowadays

    I love it – the phrase “young people nowadays”. And although I’m sure I’d have been able to find it in a few news articles, it still made me chuckle when I did in one today. Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch!

  • Tru Loved

    Just wondering if this film will be released here. [poll id=”10″]