Year: 2008
Simply Bread
One of the great things about Naomi being pregnant is that we’re really enjoying our food. I mean, really enjoying our food. Yes, we know that we have to make the calories count and not overeat and all that, but this eating (properly) for two thing has given our kitchen a new purpose, a new…
Look at that muckefucking van!
According to JadedJulia, it’s a brand of coffee in Germany.
Breakfast served with the news
We get up in the mornings and make breakfast of yogurt and honey, kiwifruit and plum, strawberry and raspberry, a glass of milk and a banana, and then eat while watching the horrible, horrible things on the news channels.
Advertorial: Unwrapping soon
Recession or not, it is time we made lists for Christmas giving. Shopping moves the economy, like it or not, so we’ll be doing our bit if we bought some things for friends and loved ones. Plus, it’s always nice to be surprised when you unwrap your prezzies on Christmas morning – which is probably…
Halfway there
One of the funnier moments in the last 20 weeks was comprised of me, sitting in the ob-gyn’s office, reacting to the ob-gyn’s indicating on the ultrasound that Naomi and I would very likely be having a baby boy instead of a girl which I had so confidently predicted previously “because I can just feel…