Month: July 2008
Vale, Olive Riley
Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! World’s Oldest Blogger The Life of Riley
You’re kidney me
Photo by Wm Jas I read in one of our fine media outlets, I can’t remember which, that the Health Minister recently said something to the effect of monetarily motivated organ donations being a definite no no. When I searched for it, not only could I not find the quote, I read that the same…
We don’t serve plain water, only the fancy kind
Maybe I can lick the dew off the leaves OK, the waiter didn’t say that, but it means the same thing. And I’ve blogged about this before. We were invited to birthday drinks on Saturday at 1 Rochester, hereinafter known as 1 Of The Places In Singapore That Will Not Serve You A Glass Of…
- gets you there
Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! A few days ago Tym left a comment clueing me in on, and like her and her friend Lucian, I think I have found the replacement for and every other online bus/train route planner our fine transport companies are struggling to put up. simply rocks! I’ve been using…
Cosplay steak restaurant
“But sir, you’ve already got such a big piece of meat!” – Photo by bnittoli The Japanese love their cows. So they massage them, feed them beer and sake, call them Wagyu and then slaughter and eat them. I’m not sure where the Wagyu we have at restaurants here are from, but they are pretty…