
Real entrepreneur
Entrepreneur at Trevi Fountain

Couple of things. Firstly, we decided to head to Wheelock Place after dinner so that I could pop up the stairs to DBS at Liat Tower to drop off a cheque, and then we could browse a bit at Borders after that.

At the self-banking lobby at DBS, I finally found the cheque drop box, which had a note above it saying that the quick cheque deposit box service had “merged” with the one at Plaza Singapura, all of 2km away. Not happy with the development at the bank, I trudged down the stairs to complain to Naomi, who appeared to be in conversation with a young boy of about 14.

She wasn’t in conversation, it turned out. She couldn’t have understood a thing he said because all he said while brandishing three ballpoint pens were, “something something project something something sixty dollars something something give me something something generosity”.

Now that I was clued in on such scams, I asked the boy what project this was, and he said, “something something enterpreneurship something something success depend on you something something”.

On further probing about his school, he said, “something something can’t reveal that because something something misrepresentation something something park mall”.

At this point, I think the boy realised there wasn’t going to be a sale, and after I confirmed that fact, walked away back to his fellow “project mates”, who appeared to be showing and telling some other pedestrians on the Orchard Road sidewalk.

Nabeh, think you can con me again? No! Understand?

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