Month: February 2007

  • A good run

    Update: Engie Ho, otherwise known as the multi-tasking production administrator for the show, has diligently informed me that I shouldn’t have left out the following names from my Thank You list: Shao Ann (lightning lighting designer), Mo (the theatre costume industry), Denise Low (The Producer). And the Ang Mo volunteer’s name is Lansell. Good on…

  • Paper cranes

    Sometimes, it’s quite hard to help the needy. There’s this initiative by the Southeast CDC (Community Development Council) whose instructions on the little squares of paper read: “For every folded crane, a bowl of rice will be donated to the needy by our sponsor. Instructions: Please fold this [piece of] paper into a crane and…

  • How about the weather?

    I’ve been popping into the 24hr Cold Storage at Holland Village to pick up fresh food after work, and I overheard a conversation between the night manager and a customer. NM: Wah, now the weather in Singapore at night is like Hawaii ah? Cooling, windy. C: No lah. Colder! They say Chinese New Year will…

  • Thick skinned

    When Naomi asked me last night, ‘how was the show?’, I said, ‘good, Hossan was so funny I kept laughing even though I knew what was coming’. ‘Not shy, some people! Laugh at own joke!’, she said. What I can say is, the jokes are no longer mine once they’ve been given a life of…