Year: 2006

  • How I use my Nokia N73

    Note: The Nokia N73 was very kindly given to me and a few other bloggers to use and provide feedback The macro settings are the best I’ve seen on any phone I was only kidding about the phone camera not being able to take pictures of fireworks, but thank you all who have offered useful…

  • In Parliament tonight

    Join us in Parliament. One night only. (You think they’d let us stay any longer? Siao!) Technorati Tags: Mr Miyagi, mrbrown, NationalDay, NDP06, podcast, podcasting, singapore

  • Your English also temporary out of service lah!

    The Speak Good English Campaign may be working. But the Write English Just As Good one hasn’t been launched yet, which explains this sign at Changi Airport Terminal One: COMPUTER SYSTEM IS TEMPORARY OUT OF SERVICE. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCED CAUSED I’m not even going to ask why there’s a semi-permanent placard that announces computer…

  • The biggest day of our lives so far

    Thanks for your well-wishes and congratulations, if you’ve made any. Me and my wife, wife! Yes, wife! … …me and my wife are recovering from the wedding, and we’ll be returning to work in the morning. But oh what a Sunday, and oh, what a wedding! Friends and family alike know that this was a…

  • Many miles to go

    And many more coffee breaks on the way I’m having a week like no other doing stuff for the wedding ceremonies. Like doing last minute arrangements with florists, last minute arrangements with the caterers, and last minute arrangements with the photographers. I read somewhere that a day’s lack of sleep can cause your IQ to…