Year: 2006

  • I understand any language, as long as it’s been translated

    Untranslated Italian is what language ah? What about German? Hang on, that ain’t Italian. Thems are Cyrillic letters. No, wait, hang on, maybe they’ve been translated. No wait, hang on, that means they’re on the wrong shelf! I give up! Let’s dump them all here. No, wait, those ain’t literature. Let’s put them here. Then…

  • Vale, Brockie

    King of the Mountain I always found motor racing boring, and the Bathurst 1000 was no different. The same guy was always in the news, but when you’re such a convincing champion, you can’t help making everyone else look mediocre. Peter Brock, 1945 – 2006. Technorati Tags: australia, peter brock

  • Because in Singapore is different

    When Naomi told me to check if my Powerbook G4 was eligible for a battery exchange, I quickly went and checked, because, like, woohoo! Free battery! So I went and checked Apple’s website for the battery recall notice and instructions. It said to enter my computer’s serial number as well as the battery’s serial number,…

  • Water inside

    Nair bluff you one! Truth in labeling. Technorati Tags: food, Singapore

  • Loss

    Top: Our 11 mths old male Chihuahua was lost on 28/5/2006 at 81 East Coast Road between 12.30pm – 1.00pm. We believe that someone had took him away as he doesn’t run out by himself. He is a blue and white long coat Chihuahua. Wearing a blue and yellow collar. he is not only a…