Upstairs downstairs

Upstairs Downstairs

My uni mate, when he returned from Australia, pointed at this and said, “hey look, ‘Upstairs Bank of Singapore and Downstairs Bank of Singapore’!”

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18 responses to “Upstairs downstairs”

  1. My RSSs Mr Brown Rockson Roy Ng Stylemywords Scott Adams RSSMiyagi

  2. [IMG ] i got this from mr miyagi’s blog. one of his uni mate commented on this —> Upstairs Bank of Singapore (UBS); Downstairs Bank of Singapore (DBS). it was pretty darn damn funny. [IMG Posted by Picasa]

  3. ledmirage Avatar

    Cool observation …. 😀

  4. ledmirage Avatar

    Cool observation …. 😀

  5. Allan Siew Avatar

    Very Very Very Lame…

  6. Allan Siew Avatar

    Very Very Very Lame…

  7. nAL Avatar

    heh heh. so clever.

  8. nAL Avatar

    heh heh. so clever.

  9. andre Avatar

    I watch the news and it was said that UBS is a switzerland’s bank.

  10. andre Avatar

    I watch the news and it was said that UBS is a switzerland’s bank.

  11. pulli Avatar

    It is true, UBS is an investmnt&private bank and DBS is a layman’s retail bank. So call it up stayer’s bank and down stayer’s bank 🙂

  12. pulli Avatar

    It is true, UBS is an investmnt&private bank and DBS is a layman’s retail bank. So call it up stayer’s bank and down stayer’s bank 🙂

  13. Gweneth Powtp Avatar
    Gweneth Powtp

    If you go Suntec Tower Five, DBS IS downstairs and UBS IS upstairs… uncanny

  14. Gweneth Powtp Avatar
    Gweneth Powtp

    If you go Suntec Tower Five, DBS IS downstairs and UBS IS upstairs… uncanny

  15. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    Yes, it is uncanny how my photo of Suntec Tower 5, where UBS and DBS have their offices, looks just like Suntec Tower 5, where UBS and DBS have their offices. Funny innit?

  16. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    Yes, it is uncanny how my photo of Suntec Tower 5, where UBS and DBS have their offices, looks just like Suntec Tower 5, where UBS and DBS have their offices. Funny innit?

  17. […] this and said, hey look,’Upstairs Bank of Singapore and Downstairs Bank of Singapore’! Source: My Very Own Glob {Curiosa Felicitas} a.k.a MrMiyagi’s Blog MrComboClick above to join EVC Singapore on […]

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