The ingterneck is essploding!

In light of Ms K Bhavani’s letter to the Voices section in TODAY yesterday, which saw a slew of trackbacks and comments on Tomorrow (whoa, brain pain… in TODAY yesterday on Tomorrow), Cloudywind uses up his spare time (he seems to have a lot of it) to compose a video tribute to my friend and colleague, mrbrown, who has just used up the office’s supply of Kleenex mopping up his tears. So moved he was by the video.

Nabeh. Later have to go supermarket buy some more.


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21 responses to “The ingterneck is essploding!”

  1. Cloudywind Avatar

    hehe, Mr Miyaki, I’m Ms Cloudywind, not Mr Cloudywind.. 😛

    and no, I don’t really have tat much spare time, so I usually do stuffs late in the night… (I slept at 2pm last night doing the video leh 🙁 )

  2. Cloudywind Avatar

    hehe, Mr Miyaki, I’m Ms Cloudywind, not Mr Cloudywind.. 😛

    and no, I don’t really have tat much spare time, so I usually do stuffs late in the night… (I slept at 2pm last night doing the video leh 🙁 )

  3. aGentX Avatar

    Wah, Brown so handsome liao…can’t wait to follow the continuing episode…

  4. aGentX Avatar

    Wah, Brown so handsome liao…can’t wait to follow the continuing episode…

  5. Jaevus Avatar

    I believe that is an exerpt from a TVB (hongkong television channel) drama serial, I recognise Eason Chen (who MB is portrayed as) and the darker dude. (sorry, dunno his name) Nice one all the same!

  6. Jaevus Avatar

    I believe that is an exerpt from a TVB (hongkong television channel) drama serial, I recognise Eason Chen (who MB is portrayed as) and the darker dude. (sorry, dunno his name) Nice one all the same!

  7. Jaevus Avatar

    oops made a mistake, the darker guys is MB and the other younger dude that was with him was Eason Chen.

  8. Jaevus Avatar

    oops made a mistake, the darker guys is MB and the other younger dude that was with him was Eason Chen.

  9. stan Avatar

    hahah, handsome eh, look like louis koo hor~
    great job~

  10. stan Avatar

    hahah, handsome eh, look like louis koo hor~
    great job~

  11. ak Avatar

    read the letter regarding mr brown … hmm… reminds me of an army song…. they give you one hundred and take back 99…. i dont think the progress package lasted very long with regard to increase in living costs, and for christ sake, dont peg in to the property i live in I dun own it it was bought by my dad eons ago when dinosaurs roamed the streets and that was why it was much cheaper… dun think anybody would ever really “own” a property from the looks of things. sibei sad … I call this syndrome …. “The Singapore Dream”

  12. ak Avatar

    read the letter regarding mr brown … hmm… reminds me of an army song…. they give you one hundred and take back 99…. i dont think the progress package lasted very long with regard to increase in living costs, and for christ sake, dont peg in to the property i live in I dun own it it was bought by my dad eons ago when dinosaurs roamed the streets and that was why it was much cheaper… dun think anybody would ever really “own” a property from the looks of things. sibei sad … I call this syndrome …. “The Singapore Dream”

  13. mrs budak Avatar

    Eh got two fellas leh, you’re the other one ah?

  14. mrs budak Avatar

    Eh got two fellas leh, you’re the other one ah?

  15. lunatic_fringe Avatar

    The movie that Ms. Cloudywind (???used was a HK (RA) film about 2 chaps who started a adult (i.e. pornographic) magazine. I cannot recall the title but essentially the rather thin plot featured these 2 chaps that started out a adult magazine with a couple of friends and eventually only 2 of them were in the magazine.

    Eventually they made it big and the adventures these 2 chaps had e.g. interviewing working gals, supervising a photo shoot (with ladies wearing their birthday suits) etc.

    The only reason I watched the film was because of its RA rating. Not much of a plot and it was screened at Lido which is way classier than Yang Tze cinema. 🙂

    If anyone can post the title here would be useful!


  16. lunatic_fringe Avatar

    The movie that Ms. Cloudywind (云风)used was a HK (RA) film about 2 chaps who started a adult (i.e. pornographic) magazine. I cannot recall the title but essentially the rather thin plot featured these 2 chaps that started out a adult magazine with a couple of friends and eventually only 2 of them were in the magazine.

    Eventually they made it big and the adventures these 2 chaps had e.g. interviewing working gals, supervising a photo shoot (with ladies wearing their birthday suits) etc.

    The only reason I watched the film was because of its RA rating. Not much of a plot and it was screened at Lido which is way classier than Yang Tze cinema. 🙂

    If anyone can post the title here would be useful!


  17. lip Avatar

    whahahha nice one.

  18. lip Avatar

    whahahha nice one.

  19. windycloud Avatar

    that’s a Brilliant piece by cloudywind!

  20. windycloud Avatar

    that’s a Brilliant piece by cloudywind!

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